Wednesday 28 January 2015

Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend

Birthday love sms Biography


The flames of passion will never be extinguished between us. Let our love flare brightly and bring you a wonderful birthday.

You are the reason I smile and why our love thrives across the miles. May you have the happiest birthday ever!

I will wrap my arms around you the first chance I get. Get ready for a big birthday squeeze, lover!

I’m just wild about you. I can’t say it enough. It gives me goosebumps just to think about it. Have a wonderful time on your birthday today, dearest love of my life.

I can’t imagine what I would do if I didn’t have you to hold my hand and look me in the eyes to tell me I’m yours forever. Tonight let’s celebrate your birthday.

All our memories together will never be taken away, no matter how old we get and how many birthdays pass by, I will always be here for you. Happy birthday!

Because you’re the gift in my life, I give you my gift of love.

I just want to say happy birthday to the love of my life. We have been together for so long, but you have always been there for me. I love you so much.

Lover, you are everything to me. Let me take a piece of the universe and offer it back to you, a humble gift on your birthday.

May you get all the blessings and love from all your dear ones on your birthday.

Even if I searched the universe, I wouldn’t  find a  more loving and wonderful person as  you. You make me happy and you never let me down. I love you so much and thank you for who you are.

Falling in love with you was easy. Staying in love with you is easier. Happy birthday. I can’t wait until next year.

Full of love you come to me, joy and harmony you bring with you, in my heart you will always be cherished, since you have chosen to love me.

Happy Birthday my dearest and sweetest, not a day goes by when I do not think of you and how empty my life would be if you were not here.

Happy Birthday my love. I’m so glad we’re spending it together.

I am a lonely fish swimming in the see of your love, birth through you and survive between your storm waves. I am a lonely fish and scared of the day a net will come between us and take me away.

I am so glad that I can share this special day with my favourite person.

I love you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow.

I love your eyes, I love the way you kiss, the fact that you are always there and the way that you love me, there are so many things that I love about you, there are no words enough in the world to express it better than I love you.

If I could only have one wish I would wish for you to see how others see you, and then you will know how one of a kind and special you are.

I’m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you.

In this crazy world we always run and there is never time. but sometimes we need to stop, hug and love, say to your beloved, loved one, dearest and closest love of my life . I love you so much.

It is not being in love that makes me happy but it is being in love with YOU that makes me happy.

It must have been a rainy day when you were born because the heavenswere crying because it lost its most beautiful angel.

It takes only a few seconds to say I love you but it will take me an entire lifetime to show you how much.

It’s always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to someone so sweet.

Browse and search famous love quotes pictures.

It’s as easy to stay in love with you as it was to fall in love.

It’s not important that this day is your birthday. It’s important that every day is your day and you are mine!

Loving you is a privilege, loving you is a blessing, being with you is a wish come true.
Much love on your birthday and always.

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you.

My love, to love is one thing to be loved is another, to be loved by the one you love, is everything.
Next to you is one of my favorite places to be. Happy Birthday.

No need for a special day to remind me how special you are, the stars will only shine when you are near me.

Only you will bring me the spring for me, only with you will be happy in the summer, only with you

I will walk as the leafs are falling and only with you I will able to survive the winter.
Sending you my love on your birthday and every day.

The candles are lit, the music is playing softly in the background, I hold you in my arms dancing chick to chick, my heart is booming with joy when I tell you I love you.

The moment our eyes met I knew you are the one for me, and I for you. And as the years pass my heart even grow dipper in love with you.

The moon and stars won’t be sufficient enough to show you how much I love you.

Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend
Birthday love sms Birthday SMS in Hindi in Marathi in English for Friend in Urdu for brother for sister for husband for love for girl friend

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